Program Description

2-3 Sets
Run 100 Meters
10 Double leg bounding
10 Yard “A” Skip
10/10 Yard Carioca
10 Yard High knees forward, 10yrd backward

Coaching notes:

On all bounding movements aim to land lightly on the ball of your foot lightly kissing your heel to the floor before bounding upward. Keep your torso upright as best as possible with your eyes on the horizon.

On your high knees and butt kicks focus on keeping your eyes straight ahead keeping your torso vertical with your shoulders stacked over your hips and braced through your midline. With both of these aim for quick, fast feet rather than distance.

Deadlift:4 Sets of 7
GHD Sit-ups x 15 x 4 sets

Coaching notes:

On the deadlifts focus on keeping good tension throughout your entire posterior chain, but especially your back. Shoulders should remain pulled down and back before even hinging down to pick up the bar. Aim to keep your weight back in your heels and your knees directly in line with your heels maintaining a vertical shin throughout. Before breaking the bar off the ground make sure to get all the slack out of the bar while activating your lats by pulling the bar towards your shin. The goal is to keep the bar traveling in a straight line while keeping it as close to the center of your body as possible. As you stand make sure to get your hip in line with your shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle while keeping your core tight. Shoulder should be behind your wrist at full extension before returning the bar back to the floor. Through the descent aim to keep your lats active and weight in your heels. Your legs only begin to bend once the bar has reached your knee caps and even still your knees should stay directly over your heels without traveling too much further forward until the bar reaches the ground.

On the GHD sit ups keep your legs bent as you lower into the bottom of the movement engaging your legs to create an explosive drive upward out of the bottom. To modify lower your body no lower than parallel to the floor hitting your hollow position keeping your ribs compressed toward your hips and arms crossed at your chest.

WOD: 12:00 AMRAP
15 Meter bear crawl forward
15 Meter bear crawl backward
5 Deadlifts at 70%
Every 2 Rounds do 10 Cal bike

Coaches notes:

On the bear walks keep your arms straight while blocking through your shoulder and scap to keep your shoulder girdle activated and strong throughout. Get as much weight over your wrists and palms as possible.

Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings

3 Sets
Run or Row 400 Meters
15 PVC Good mornings
20 PVC Pass Throughs
10/10 Up and Over the Fence

Coaches notes:

On the good mornings please make sure to keep your back tight and flat all the way through. If you have tightness in your hamstrings and low back then you may ease some of that tension by bending your legs slightly. Only allow yourself to move through your own current range of motion so if you notice you are able to get half way to parallel to the floor with a tight back while hinging from your hips then that is okay for right now. The goal, of course, is to eventually get your torso parallel to the floor while maintaining good tension throughout, but if your current flexibility level does not allow for this with keeping good form then please modify by sticking to what you can do with good form.

On the PVC pass throughs set your hands in a wide grip that allows you to pass the PVC over your head while maintaining straight arms. Get set with your feet either under your hips or squeezed together. Legs should be straight and fully engaged, tailbone tucked, glutes tight, belly button pulled toward your spine, ribs compressed toward your hips, shoulders pulled back and down, and eyes focused on the horizon. Shrug your shoulder up toward your ears before passing the PVC over your head to your low back. Press shoulders down and away from your ears before shrugging your shoulders back up toward your ears to then pass the PVC back over to where you started. Inch your hands in a little each time until your hands are set as close as they can be while still maintaining straight arms all the way through.

Pause back squats:3 Sec pause at bottom
60% x fatigue
70% x fatigue
80% x fatigue
90% x 1-2

Coaches notes:

On the back squats focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Your knees should track with your toes and your weight should be evenly distributed across your whole foot all the way through. Drive upward through your midfoot with your shoulders and chest leading. Bring your hips back in vertical alignment with your shoulders, knees, and ankles while squeezing your glutes.

WOD: For Time
Kettlebell swings (35)
No Push Up Burpees

Coaches notes:

On the pull ups make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Modify with ring rows. Remember to hold your tight hollow all the way through and aim for full ROM every rep. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

On the kettlebell swings set your feet about shoulder distance apart or just outside of that while gripping the center of the handle with both hands. Actively pull shoulders down and back while hinging from your hips. Keep your feet flat to the floor throughout and your shins vertical. This is a hinging motion rather than a squatting motion. In the bottom your torso should reach about parallel to the floor with a tight, flat back and straight arms using your lats to pull the kettlebell in close to your body. On the drive up focus on driving through your heels while aggressively opening your hips and squeezing your glutes to allow the kettlebell to swing upward to somewhere between shoulder and eye level for Russian and overhead for American. Stick with Russian swings if there is any tightness or limitation throughout your shoulder girdle and lat which can greatly affect the tension, stability, and postural alignment of your trunk.

On your no push up burpees focus on maintaining a wide stance, knees tracking your toes, and engaging your glutes and legs. Remember to actively block away from the floor while also keeping your shoulders down and back and pulling belly button toward your spine through high plank in the bottom of each repetition.

Strict press: 3 x 5 Reps

Coaches notes:

On the strict press, focus on keeping your trunk position solid with shoulders down and pulled back activating the lats to help stabilize the weight during the press portion into the overhead. We want to create as straight of a line for the weight to travel all the way up and back down while keeping your ribs compressed toward your hips and your glutes engaged. At the top of the press make sure your arm hits full extension and hugs your ear. Aim to achieve vertical alignment from your wrist to your ankle.

WOD: For Time
15/15-12/12-9/9 Barbell overhead lunge (65)
30-20-10 Toes to bar

Coaches notes:

On the overhead lunges, focus on keeping your trunk position solid with your shoulders down and pulled back activating your lats to help stabilize the weight overhead. We want to create as straight of a line while keeping the ribs compressed toward the hips and glutes engaged. Make sure your arms stay straight while hugging your ears. Aim to achieve vertical alignment from your wrist to your ankle. In the bottom of the lunge position focus on keeping your front shin vertical with your back knee directly under your hip, shoulder, and wrist. 

On your toes to bar keep your shoulder girdle and lats active by pulling shoulders down and away from your ears. Press through your palms to activate your lats while holding a strong hollow body position. Compress your ribs towards your hips, squeeze your glutes, tuck your tailbone, straighten and engage your legs, and point your feet.

Quads, Hips and Hamstrings



20 min AB- EASY


10-15 min mob of choice to focus on


5 Rounds for max cals:  

2 min on AB at 90-95% ; 2 min rest


Cooldown: 5-10 min yoga flow

Here is your Recover Mobility

Warm up:
Easy jog 400 Meters
10/10 Hip circles
20 Meter High knees
20 Meter Butt kickers
20 Meter “A” Skip
20 Meter High kicks

Coaches notes:

On your high knees and butt kicks focus on keeping your eyes straight ahead keeping your torso vertical with your shoulders stacked over your hips and braced through your midline. With both of these aim for quick, fast feet rather than distance. On your butt kicks pull with the hamstring keeping your toes pointed toward the floor and ankle in line with the other leg. On the high knees pull the knee toward your chest and landing on the ball of your foot with a light kiss of the heel to the floor at most every step.

On all bounding movements aim to land lightly on the ball of your foot lightly kissing your heel to the floor before bounding upward. Keep your torso upright as best as possible with your eyes on the horizon.

Strength: EMOM for 8:00
Min 1: Ring push ups to failure
Min 2: Top of pull-up or chin-up x max hold

Coaches notes:

On the ring push ups focus on holding a tight hollow position maintaining tension throughout your entire trunk, shoulder girdle, and posterior chain aiming to move as one piece keeping the rings parallel to one another. To modify walk your feet forward or elevate your hands on a box or bench.

On the pull up hold make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Hold your chin above the bar for as long as possible while maintaining proper position throughout. Modify with a ring row hold. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

WOD: Any order, any way, for time
Accumulate 15 Cal bike (arms only)
Accumulate 25 Cal bike (legs only)
40 Ring pull ups
40 Ring dips
60 Wall ball sit ups (14)
1 Mile run

Coaches notes:

On the ring pull ups make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Modify with ring rows. Remember to hold your tight hollow all the way through and aim for full ROM every rep. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

On the ring dips focus on keeping your eyes on the horizon, chest up, and your body in a straight line. Rings should be set shoulder width apart and remain parallel to each other while keeping your elbows in throughout the dip portion. Aim to go as deep as you can trying to get your shoulder below your elbow in the bottom. Finish every rep with straight arms and a turnout at the top. To modify lower the rings and do floor assisted with tops of your feet pressed into the floor as needed.

On the wall ball sit ups, hug the ball into your chest as lower into the bottom of your sit up. Extend the ball overhead to the floor in the bottom before returning it back to your chest to sit up. As you sit up keep your eyes straight ahead and your head in a neutral position.

Low Back and Hamstrings

2 Sets
10/10 Ankle roll outs
10/10 PVC leg swings
10/10 Hip circles
:20-:30 Inverted hollow hold

Coaches notes:

On the leg swings, focus on maintaining straight legs with pointed toes. Keep your hips and shoulders squared to the direction you are facing.

On the inverted hollow aim to maintain a tight, hollow body position throughout only walking your hands as close to the wall as you are able to maintain tension throughout your trunk and a strong, stable overhead position with straight arms. Modify by only either walking your feet up a few steps keeping your hands glued to the floor practicing maintaining a tight core and stable shoulder and overhead position or walk your hands a step or two or three to where you are still able to hold proper form.

Tabata: 20 Seconds max reps, 10 Second rest x 8 Sets
Anchored straight leg raise to hip up

WOD: For Total Rounds (95lbs)
1:00 AMRAP
1 Jerk
3 Hang Clean
5 Deadlift
1:00 Rest
2:00 AMRAP
2 Jerks
4 Hang clean
6 Deadlift
1:15 Rest
3:00 ARMAP
3 Jerks
5 Hang clean
7 DL
Rest 1:30
4:00 AMRAP
4 Jerks
6 Hang clean
8 DL
Rest 2:00
5:00 AMRAP
5 Jerks
7 Hang clean
9 DL

Coaches notes:

On your jerks get set with your feet under your hips with the bar resting high on top of your shoulder with a full grip on the bar. Your eyes should be focused straight ahead and weight should be evenly distributed across both feet. As you dip and drive straight down, straight up focus on maintaining an upright, vertical torso keeping your shoulders directly over your hips. The bar remains on the shoulder as you drive hard and fast pushing with the legs upward. When the body is in full vertical alignment begin to shift your feet in to “opposite quadrants” on the floor. Simultaneously you will push yourself directly under the bar receiving the barbell in the overhead position at the same moment your feet land. Back heel should be stacked over the ball of your foot with your back knee pointing directly towards the floor. Your front shin should be vertical with your knee stacked over your heel. Both feet should point slightly in. Push the front foot back a step or two before returning your back in line with your body. Brace through your midline by compressing your ribs toward your hips, pulling your belly button toward your spine, and keeping your glutes engaged.

On the cleans, make sure to stand all the way up with the bar before getting set for your first rep in the hang position with the bar above your knee. Keep the weight evenly distributed across the entire foot in the start position for the hang with the knee stacked over the heel and chest over the bar. Use the lats with straight arms to keep the bar over the top of the knot in your shoelace as you bring the torso upright so that the bar is at the pockets in a high hang position with shoulder directly over the hip. From here knees should be tracking the toes just before driving hard and pushing through the midfoot to fully engage and straighten the legs keeping the arms long and bar close to the body with knuckles down. Shrug the shoulders up and back before pulling the body directly down and around the bar getting elbows through fast while receiving the bar high on top of the shoulder in the bottom of the squat simultaneously. Feet should also shift slightly outward from hip to shoulder distance apart. Drive up with the elbows keeping the eyes straight ahead, pushing through the middle of the foot to stand. Make sure to use your hook grip all the way through especially when going for consecutive reps.

On the deadlifts focus on keeping good tension throughout your entire posterior chain, but especially your back. Shoulders should remain pulled down and back before even hinging down to pick up the bar. Aim to keep your weight back in your heels and your knees directly in line with your heels maintaining a vertical shin throughout. Before breaking the bar off the ground make sure to get all the slack out of the bar while activating your lats by pulling the bar towards your shin. The goal is to keep the bar traveling in a straight line while keeping it as close to the center of your body as possible. As you stand make sure to get your hip in line with your shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle while keeping your core tight. Shoulder should be behind your wrist at full extension before returning the bar back to the floor. Through the descent aim to keep your lats active and weight in your heels. Your legs only begin to bend once the bar has reached your knee caps and even still your knees should stay directly over your heels without traveling too much further forward until the bar reaches the ground.

Hips and Hamstrings



10 min AB- EASY


10 min dynamic stretch


A) 60 min AMRAP: 

40 cal on AB

10 TGU/side

20′ HS Walk

10 Pistols/leg

2 Rope Climbs


Cooldown: 5 min yoga flow

Here is your Recover Mobility

Coaches notes:

On the TGUs focus on keeping your shoulder strong and active with a straight arm all the way through. Wrist position should stay in an active neutral position with knuckles pointed upward. Keep your eyes focused on your wrist and fist.

Modify the handstand walks by either performing side to side walks with your belly button facing the wall, in a pike position with your feet on a box, or any variation of shoulder tap. You may also perform bear walks in place of the handstand walk as well. No matter what variation of handstand walk drill you choose to do focus on keeping your arms straight while blocking through your shoulder and scap to keep your shoulder girdle activated and strong throughout. Get as much weight over your wrists and palms as possible.

Modify the pistols as needed by using a set of parallettes to squat to keeping your entire foot flat to the floor with your knee tracking your toes. Make sure to set these shoulder width apart, about fingertip to shoulder distance apart so you can keep your eyes straight ahead without having to look down to grab the parallettes towards the bottom of your squat. Keep your arms and hands at your sides and the parallettes will be set directly under that. You can also use a set of boxes or benches as well. The lower the surface the more challenging. You can also squat to a box or bench, if needed. Many more ways to scale, but these are some of our favorites and very simple ways to do so.

Modify as needed on the rope climb with any variation from climbing half way and practicing your footing to climbing from a supine position on the floor pulling yourself to a standing position and back down to varied grip ring rows to inverted bar rows to strict pull ups to towel pull ups, etc.

3 minutes jump rope practice work on Double-unders
2 x
10/10 Single arm Kettlebell Deadlift
12 walking lunge steps

Coaches notes:

If you are still working on your double unders focus on setting a manageable rep count goal on your double under attempts. Add in as many single unders in between your doubles with the goal of keeping the rope going for as long as possible. Then, complete as many single unders as you need in between double under attempt sets before going for another set of double under attempts to ensure the intensity level is maintained without getting stuck whipping yourself on these for too long. Focus your eyes straight ahead while maintaining proper positioning throughout. Actively pull your shoulders down and back hugging your elbows slightly behind and in close to your body. The rotation of the rope should come from your wrists. Aim for light bounding on the floor through the ball of your foot. The ball of the foot should land first with only a light kiss of the heel to to the floor. 

On the single arm kettlebell deadlifts focus on keeping good tension throughout your entire posterior chain, but especially your back. Shoulders and hips should remain squared straight ahead while also keeping both shoulders pulled down and back before even hinging down to pick up the kettlebell. Aim to keep your weight back in your heels and your knees directly in line with your heels maintaining a vertical shin throughout. Before picking the kettlebell up make sure to activate your lats by pulling the kettlebell in line with the arch in your foot. The goal is to keep the kettlebell traveling in a straight line while keeping it as close to the center of your body as possible. As you stand make sure to get your hip in line with your shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle while keeping your core tight. Through the descent aim to keep your lats active and weight in your heels. Your legs only begin to bend once the kettlebell has reached your knee caps and even still your knees should stay directly over your heels without traveling too much further forward until the kettlebell reaches the ground.

On the walking lunges focus on keeping your eyes on the horizon while maintaining even weight distribution across both feet when descending into the bottom of the lunge. Your front shin should stay vertical with your knee stacked over your heel and your back knee should lightly touch the floor directly in line with your hip and shoulder. Practice keeping your torso upright while bracing through your mid line. Drive equally upward through both legs to stand bringing both feet in line with one another.

On the push ups focus on holding a tight hollow position maintaining tension throughout your entire trunk, shoulder girdle, and posterior chain aiming to only allow your chest to touch the floor with each repetition. To modify elevate your hands on a box or bench.

Back squat: 3 Sets of 10 Reps

Coaches notes:

On the back squats focus your eyes straight ahead while keeping your torso as upright as possible. Your knees should track with your toes and your weight should be evenly distributed across your whole foot all the way through. Drive upward through your midfoot with your shoulders and chest leading. Bring your hips back in vertical alignment with your shoulders, knees, and ankles while squeezing your glutes.

WOD: For total rounds
4:00 AMRAP
6 Chest to bar pull-ups
6 Box jumps (24″)
10 Sit-ups
Rest 1:30
3:00 AMRAP
5 CTB pull-ups
5 Box jumps
10 Sit-ups
Rest 1:00
2:00 AMRAP
4 CTB pull-up
4 Box jumps
10 Sit-ups
Rest :30
1:00 AMRAP
3 Box jump
10 Sit-up
Rest :15
2 CTB pull-up
2 Box jump
10 Sit-up

Coaches notes:

On the pull ups make sure to wrap your thumbs as well as actively keep your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears to keep your lats and shoulder girdle activated. Modify with ring rows. Remember to hold your tight hollow all the way through and aim for full ROM every rep. Walk your feet back as much as needed. Body position stays the same no matter what variation you do.

Focus on a solid landing position during the box jumps; feet about shoulder width, knees tracking with your toes, glutes engaged, solid trunk position and upright torso. Make sure to stand to full extension before stepping down.

On the sit ups, keep your arms across your chest as you lower one vertebrae at a time until your entire upper half is on the floor. As you sit up keep your eyes straight ahead and your head in a neutral position.

Shoulders and Spine


Row 300 Meters at 60% pace
10 Tuck jumps
Row 300 Meters at 70%
10 Inchworms
Row 300 Meters at 80%
5/5 PVC figure 8’s

Coaches notes:

On the tuck jumps aim to land lightly on the ball of your foot lightly kissing your heel to the floor before bounding upward. Keep your torso upright as best as possible while bringing your knees toward your chest rather than dropping your chest toward your knees. Keep your eyes on the horizon as this will also help to keep your torso upright throughout.

On your inchworms get set with your feet together as you do a forward fold bringing your hands flat to the floor with fingers spread wide. Keep your arms straight and actively block away from the floor as you walk your hands out to a high plank position stacking your shoulder over your elbow and wrist. Keep your shoulders and hips squared to the floor with as little shifting from side to side as possible. 

3 Position cleans every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets
Handstand push ups: Strict or kipping x failure x 4 sets, rest as needed
Floor wipers x 15/15 x 4 Sets

On your 3 position cleans start first with the feet hip-width apart and hands the hands outside the shoulders with a hook grip. The first position begins with the bar at your hips or “pockets”. Violently open the hips and pull under the barbell receiving it in high on top of your shoulder while hitting a full squat with the crease of the hip below the knee. From the second position, bring the bar to your mid thigh with your shoulders in front the bar. Again, violently open your hips and receive the barbell high on top of your shoulder with your hips below parallel and the elbows high. Third position is from the floor. On all positions of the cleans, keep your weight evenly distributed across your entire foot in the start position. When getting set in the high and mid hang positions your knees should stack over your heels and your chest should be over the bar. Use your lats with straight arms to keep the bar over the top of the knot in your shoelace as you bring the torso upright so that when the bar is at the pockets in your high hang position your shoulder should also be directly over your hip. From here your knees should be tracking your toes just before driving hard and pushing through your midfoot to fully engage and straighten your legs keeping your arms long and the bar close to your body with your knuckles down. Shrug your shoulders up and back before pulling your body directly under the bar getting elbows around the bar fast while receiving the bar high on top of your shoulder in the bottom of the squat simultaneously. Your feet should also shift slightly outward from hip to shoulder distance apart. Drive up with your elbows while keeping your eyes straight ahead, push through the middle of your foot to stand. Make sure to use your hook grip all the way through especially when going for consecutive reps.

On your handstand push-ups make sure to modify to a progression that allows you to maintain as best form as possible. No matter what variation of these you do the technique should stay the same. Set your hands shoulder width and aim for the top of your head to touch the floor out in front of your fingertips to form a wide tripod base with elbows pointed toward the back wall and stacked over your wrist. For safety reasons please make sure to keep your spine in a neutral position. Variations include the straddle HSPU with both hands and feet on the floor keeping feet in a wide stance, pike HSPU with your feet on a box, stacking your hips over your shoulders and wrists at the beginning and finish of each repetition, as well as just focusing on building your current overall strength and core control by working strict hollow body push ups, on the floor or with your hands elevated.

On the floor wipers aim to keep your upper back pressed firmly into the floor while maintaining as straight of legs as possible. Imagine if you were just a few inches away from the wall, you want your legs moving along the vertical plane as best as possible.

WOD: 12:00 AMRAP
14 Bar Facing burpees
7 Power cleans (105)
5 Handstand push-ups

Coaching notes:

On your burpees focus on maintaining a wide stance, knees tracking your toes, and keeping your glutes engaged to help ease stress and tension potentially placed on your low back and knees while getting to and from the floor. Remember just as with any movement to hold strong posture throughout, shoulders down and back, belly button to spine, and elbows hugging your body as you move through the push up. Make sure to jump with both feet at the same time up and over the bar rather than one foot and then the other.

On your power cleans focus on getting into a proper set up position for every repetition. These are not touch and go. Take your hand off the bar and reset on each repetition within every set. Remember to keep your eyes focused straight ahead as you get set with the bar directly over the top of the top lace of your shoes. Your feet should be set under your hips, but slightly outside of that is also okay, if needed. Set your grip thumb distance or a bit more on either side of the shin. Grip the bar with your hook grip taking your first two fingers and wrapping them around your thumbs and the bar. Shoulders should remain pulled down and back before even hinging down to pick up the bar. Before breaking the bar off the ground make sure to get all the slack out of the bar while activating your lats by pulling the bar towards your shin. Focus on keeping good tension throughout your entire posterior chain, but especially your back. Aim to keep your weight evenly distributed across your entire foot. As you break the bar off the floor make sure to use your lats to keep the bar traveling as close to your center and over the knot in your shoelaces as possible. As the bar reaches your knee cap continue to keep your arms long. At this point in the lift your knees should be directly in line with your heels as you maintain a vertical shin throughout the second pull. Bring your torso into a vertical, upright position with your shoulder vertically aligned with your hip and ankle. From this position, the high hang, drive hard and fast by pushing with the legs hard. Once the entire body is in vertical alignment begin to shrug your shoulders up and back keeping elbows high and on the outside of the barbell. At this point you will begin to “pull” your self down and under the barbell receiving the barbell in a partial squat and keeping your hips above your knees. As you pull under the bar your feet should also shift quickly to a shoulder width stance and should “land” as you simultaneously receive the barbell high on top of the shoulder with your elbows high.

Hips and Hamstrings


Here is your Recover Mobility